Active Transportation

Active transportation (any human-powered mode of transportation such as walking, cycling, skateboarding or using a wheelchair) helps promote healthy, well-connected communities. The City of Salmon Arm has set a clear pSmall City, Great Connectionsath for the future to ensure people of all ages and abilities can safely enjoy walking, cycling and rolling around our community.

Connect Salmon Arm Active Transportation Network Plan

The City of Salmon Arm received a grant from the province’s Active Transportation Grant Program to develop an Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP). Through collaboration with the community, the ATNP has established a collective vision for active transportation in Salmon Arm and includes an implementation strategy that is uniquely suited to the City’s topography, demographics and current and future needs. Council appoints members of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee to provide advice about greenways.

Connect Salmon Arm – Priority Projects

The ATNP proposes over 200 kilometres of new sidewalks, bicycle routes, multi-use pathways and trails. Several projects were identified by community members, stakeholders, and City staff as priority projects. Projects were selected to fill priority gaps, connect key destinations, and spread projects across the City’s neighbourhoods.Major Projects - Priorities Basemap Active Transportation

Connect Salmon Arm – Implementation

2023 Projects

  • Completed AT Upgrades at 5 Avenue & 3 Street SW (Safeway Fields)
  • Updated Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw to better reflect AT Best Practices
  • Design completed for 5 Avenue NE Sidewalk Replacement from 24 - 30 Street NE (college)
  • Continued work on 10 Avenue SW MUP (west of Piccadilly Mall)
  • Ross Street Underpass
  • Design completed for 6 Street & 8 Avenue NE (Hudson – 9 Avenue NE) McGuire Lake Upgrade
  • Auto Road north of 10 Street SE MUP (Developer driven)
  • Lawson building 20 Street & 11 Avenue NE


The Greenways Strategy, Weave It Green, provides direction for the long-term planning and implementation of a trail and path network in the City. Council appoints members of the Greenways Liaison Committee to provide advice about greenways.