By signing in or creating an account, some fields will auto-populate with your information.
  1. Please fill out and submit information below, if you do not plan on making your payment through the front desk at City Hall.
  2. Mailing Address:
  3. Type of Dog:
  4. Dog Licence Pricing – Select one (1) option below based on dog being spayed or neutered and based on your date of payment. There is a $5.00 discount if paid between November 1 and February 15 at 4:00pm. Fill out a separate form if you have more than one (1) dog.
  5. Paid between November 1 and February 15 at 4:00pm:
  6. Paid after February 15 at 4:00pm:

  8. For new dogs licensed after July 31st, pay 50% of the fees above

  9. Sex:
  10. For the following dog:
  11. Method of Payment:
  12. (payments must be received by February 15 at 4:00pm, in order to receive the $5.00 discount. Post-marks and drop box payments received after the deadline will not be accepted for discount)
  13. If paying through online banking, please make your payment to the following account: • Payee – “Salmon Arm (City of) Property Taxes” • Account Number – 99999999 (Do NOT make your payment to your property tax account)
  14. Delivery Method
  15. Leave This Blank:

  16. This field is not part of the form submission.