Magnesium Chloride & Friction Coefficien

What is a Magnesium Chloride and Tire / Road Friction Coefficient?
The Insurance Corporation of BC (ICBC) answered this question in a study conducted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Forensic Dynamics Inc. in 1999.

The study states: "While some users have found that MgCl2 application, as an anti or de-icer, causes a "greasy" road surface; generally speaking, this was not found. When MgCl2 solution at 30% concentration with 4% ice-ban used as a rust-inhibitor, is put down at typical application rates, the road surface friction will drop by about 18 to 21%, as compared to a dry road condition. However, when used in anticipation of incoming inclement weather, this relatively minor drop is still far better than the expected road surface condition under snow or ice conditions. This minor drop in friction, as compared to a dry road condition, can be directly compared to that which occurs when the roadway becomes sufficiently wet from a rainstorm. In other words, the application of MgCl2 as an anti-icer on a dry road, will cause friction to decrease to the same level as a wet road, but this indeed is far superior than what would expectantly occur under typical winter conditions (snow, ice and/or black ice)."

"The results suggest users can expect a coefficient of friction after MgCl2 application equivalent to that typical for a wet road condition. This would involve a drop of about 18 to 21% from dry road conditions, but an improvement of 163% as compared to a snow-covered roadway, and 191% improvement as compared to compact snow with ice-covered surface and a near 600% improvement over glare ice."